Monday, July 8, 2013

Yuki Onna (雪女, snow woman) Japanese Folklore

     She may also by such names such as yuki-musume "snow girl. Yuki-onago"snow wench', Yukijoro "snow harlot", Yuki-anesa "snow sis". Yuki-omba "snow granny or snow nanny", Yukinba "snow hag",Yukifuri-baba "snowfall hag" 

     She usually appears on a snowy night as a tall, beautiful woman with a long black hair and blue lips. Her pale or even transparent skin makes her blend in with the snowy landscape. She usually wears a white kimono and some say non (nude). Despite the beautiful appearance, her eyes can strike terror into humans. She leaves no foot prints when walking across the snow and can transform in mist or snow to run away from impending danger.

           Some says that Yuki-onna is associated with winter and snowstorms, the spirit that perished in the snow. She is beautiful and serene, yet ruthless in killing humans. In this century, Yuki-onna is portrayed as human, emphasizing her ghost-like nature and ephemeral beauty.

          In some stories, Yuki-onna appears to travelers that got lost or trapped in snowstorms. She uses her icy breath to freeze the prey. Some say she leads them to nowhere to die. Some legends portray her as an aggressive spirit, she often invades homes, blowing the door away with a gust of wind to kill residents in their sleep.

         Yuki-onna has many tales. Some says she is satisfies to see a victim dies, sometimes is like a vampire, draining the victims blood or life force. Some say she is like a succubus, preying on weak-willed men to drain or freeze them to death through sex or a kiss.

        Yuki-onna has a softer side as well. Sometimes she would let victims go for various reasons.In one popular Yuki-onna legend, for example, she sets a young boy free because of his beauty and age. She makes him promise never to speak of her, but later in life, he tells the story to his wife who reveals herself to be the snow woman. She reviles him for breaking his promise, but spares him again, this time out of concern for their children but if he dares mistreat their children, she will return with no mercy.. In some versions, she chose not to kill him because he told her, which she did not treat as a broken promise. In a similar legend, Yuki-onna melts away once her husband discovers her true nature. However, she departs to the afterlife afterward the same way.

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